So far, Jio’s conversion rate is 13% (16 mn only). Is that good?

Only 2 more days for Jio’s free offer to expire and the company has managed to convert only 13% of the current (free) user base.

Jio network had witnessed over a 100 million new subscribers within just 170 days.Out of 120 million userbase, Jio has managed to convert 16 million customers for the Jio Prime membership offer (out of 120 million), per ET now channel.

At 13.3%, is this a good conversion for Jio? Any SAAS entrepreneur would say ‘hell yeah!’, but here is an important consideration:

There is no Jio for you if you aren’t upgrading. That is, this ain’t a freemium model – days of free data/voice are over. so either you are a paying customer or you just don’t exist (for Jio).

Like anything Indian, expect people to pay/sign up on the last day. But given that it coincides with year end (and tax et al deadline), was 31st March deadline a bad idea for Jio?

What would you expect a good conversion number for Jio to be? 60%?

Aside, don’t you think that Airtel played its ‘fastest network’ card at the right time? You have to give in to Airtel’s marketing team for this.

Source: Nextbigwhat


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